Channel: John Norton – Coll Writes
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The Turning Points


6 days to go! The constant changing of the LI weather forecast for next Friday is killing me. First it was rainy then it was sunny then partly cloudy then back to rainy with a drop in temperature. As of tonight, April 23, the 10 day forecast is:

Let’s go nice weather!  A little chilly for the end of April on Long Island but that’s okay!  Our reception hall, Giorgio’s has four gorgeous outside places to take pictures – the grounds in general, a vineyard, a golf course, and the beach!  Regardless of the weather, I know that we’re going to have the best night ever.  I cannot believe it’s only SIX DAYS AWAY!

I wanted to continue my trip down memory lane tonight.  After I returned from my trip to visit Cassidy in Chapel Hill, NC, Jay & I kept in contact but not as frequently as you’d think.  There was the polite “It was so nice to meet you! Thanks for lunch & the ride to the airport!” PM exchange and a few chats back and forth over things like the season 3 finale of The Office, but that was about it.  Lost was wrapping up season 3, I was busy trying to move from LI to Astoria, Queens on June 1, 2007 etc.

There were two things that were the turning points.  The first was the very first time that we exchanged text messages, on the night of May 23, 2007 after the airing of the Season 3 finale of Lost.  If you have no idea what I am talking about when I reference the exponential awesomeness of “WE HAVE TO GO BACK, KATE!”  then 1) Spoiler Alert and 2) You really shouldn’t have quit watching Lost during season 2 haha.  I had watched the finale at my friend Joe’s house and gone up & down my list of Lost watching friends and talked about how holymothereffingcrapawesome it was. After much, much consideration, I decided to go for broke and send Jay a text about it.  [Editor’s Note: I just spent a full 5 minutes trying to find the charger to my old phone so I could directly quote the text I sent (yeah they were saved!) but I can’t find it.]  His response: “Dude it was insane!”

I didn’t realize until I looked up the air date for “Through the Looking Glass” that it aired on May 23, which means we first texted each other three years before “The End” aired.  If you told me while I was driving back to my grandparents’ house on May 23, 2007 that three years to the day later, I would be engaged to this guy & attending a big finale party he was hosting in Los Angeles with Benjamin Linus himself there, I would have thanked you for giving me a nice fantasy to dream about on the LIRR ride to work in NYC the next morning haha.

The second game changer was thanks to MetroBuzz and the brilliant minds of John Norton, Paul “BareNakedHurley” Caggegi, “IrischMatt” Donnelly, and a few others.  John & I decided that we wanted to do a spoof of The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack by treating the final part of their video podcast trilogy (“To GoWithoutA Friend“) as though it was a Lost episode and we were Jay and Jack analyzing it a la a Lost episode.  From seed of an idea to execution, we ran with it and the result was awesome.  Out of all of the things I have ever creatively done, it is in the Top 3 of things I am proud of.  Everyone came with their A game on less than a day’s notice.  Thank goodness John is so good at keeping things together because without his guiding hand to keep it on track while we recorded it, it probably would’ve only been half as good.

After we released MetroBuzz Special Edition 1: “The Lost Vidcast Podcast” as a surprise episode on June 7, 2007, word got back to Jay & Jack.  After Jay listened to it, he called me and we spoke on the phone for 1 hour and 08 minutes.  I pointed it out the next time we PM’ed each other and have always remembered.  That night, my friend Tom and my roommate Amanda and I were going to go out to dinner but I made them wait for an hour and 8 minutes, refusing to get off the phone until it was time.  Amanda and Tom told me that they predicted that night that Jay & I would get married that day.

Here is the audio for “The Lost Vidcast Podcast” and the actual Lost vidcast that we parodied. Click to listen or right click to save & listen.  GOOD TIMES.


“The Lost Vidcast Podcast”

“A Friend”

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